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How to fix msvcp110.dll is missing in Devil May Cry 5

I am running 64 bit version of Windows 10 and since it is a recent operating system it still has bugs. Microsoft is trying to fix them by releasing new updates daily. However, maybe this will be helpful for somebody.  Today I installed Steam on my computer and downloaded and installed Devil May Cry 5 to play after work. When I came home the installation of DMC 5 was completed so I launched the game, but it didn’t start and gave me system error saying that msvcp110.dll is missing from my computer. Also, the error message is advising to reinstall the application to fix it. However, there is no reason to reinstall DMC 5 because of msvcp110.dll is missing error.


Msvcp110.dll is missing error is not related with Devil May Cry 5 game or Steam. If it appeared it means that program that you are trying to launch cannot find msvcp110.dll library or cannot open because the file is damaged. It may happen with any application that requires msvcp110.dll library to operate. So, that’s why you don’t need to reinstall the application, instead you just need to download and install msvcp110.dll library from here:

This should fix Msvcp110.dll is missing error in DMC 5 on Steam or in any other program. My friend said that it helped him to fix Msvcp110.dll is missing error in PES2015. So I am sure this should work for any program. If it helped you, please like and share this guide with your friends.

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Couldn’t play GTA 5, because of missing .DLL file. Now, everything works fine. Good service.

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