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How to fix opencl.dll is missing error in Windows 10

The opencl.dll is missing or cannot be found error is not uncommon for Windows 10. We’ve received quite a number of reports from users on this. This system error usually occurs when a user is trying to launch a game or program. As soon as you try to launch, you’ll receive an error message informing you that you cannot start the program because opencl.dll is missing or cannot be found on your system and that you should reinstall the program. You really don’t have to reinstall anything since it will be quite ridiculous to start reinstalling all the games and programs with the same issue. The problem is actually with the operating system and not the apps.


Windows 10 is the improved version of Windows 8.1, however it is not entirely free of bugs and you might experience old errors such as the opencl.dll is missing error. The opencl.dll library is one of those included as a necessary component for the implementation of those new programs that were developed by Khronos Group. This library is usually installed along with the operating system. This library is pre-installed in older Windows, but the developers forgot to include this particular library for Windows 10, which is one of the major causes of the opencl.dll is missing error, though the attacks could also be traced to a number of other reasons.

To fix this error, all you need to do is visit, download the opencl.dll file and then install it. You’ll find detailed instructions on how to install it on their download page and it is quite straight forward. Just copy the file and paste it in the system folder. And don’t forget to subscribe if it was useful for you.

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